4 days ago
245 The Odyssey's Allegorical Outlook
4 days ago
4 days ago
AMDG. From sea monsters and magic spells to archery contests and family reunions, this book has something for everyone. Join Bonnie, Steven, and Jordan as they dive into the great Homeric epic, the Odyssey. The group discusses major themes to watch out for in the Odyssey, including family life and wisdom; considers the must-ask questions, like whether Odysseus changes throughout the story; and provides you with a complete summary in easy-to-digest pieces.
Whether you’re reading the Odyssey for yourself or just want to know what to ask your children about, this is the episode for you. Don’t miss it!
Related links & Kolbecast episodes:
The Odyssey and related study materials in the Kolbe Academy bookstore
Kolbecast Humanities series:
220 Decoding Mythology to Reveal Christianity
225 On the Same (Greco-Roman) Page
229 Take a Note from Homer
234 Adding Color to What Is Black & White
239 Divine Plot Twist
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
244 Summer School Memories
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
AMDG. College decisions have you feeling overwhelmed? Join Kolbe students Bella, Jeremiah, and Gianna as they share their experiences attending Newman Guide colleges’ summer programs. The students discuss the ups and downs of navigating college decisions, providing insight into their thought processes along the way. Experience Benedictine’s and Christendom’s summer programs vicariously through their eyes and get ready to be inspired in your own college journey.
Relevant links:
Benedictine College’s Catholic summer youth camps early bird discount ends 1 Feb 2025!
Christendom College’s Best Week Ever
The Cardinal Newman Society
Kolbecast episodes mentioned & related:
84 The Essence of Catholic Education and 157 Renewal, Revival, Variety, and Unity with Patrick Reilly of the Cardinal Newman Society
185 Developmentally Appropriate Independence with Joshua and Alyssa from The Pines Catholic Camp
233 Incarnational Education at Wyoming Catholic College
61 Middle Ground
166 Dr. John Cuddeback on Dwelling Together Richly
123 A Change of the Ages and 213 This Is a Beginning with Msgr. James Shea
171 Forming Financial Disciples with Jonathan & Amanda Teixeira of WalletWin
243 Finish Line in Sight
235 The Disposition of Pilgrimage with Joan Watson
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
243 Drawing Distinctions - Classical Education, Liberal Arts, and Liberal Education
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
AMDG. What is classical education, exactly? Join Steven and Bonnie as they delve into the founding principles of Kolbe Academy and reveal surprising facts about classical education, including why history is not part of the liberal arts; the differences between classical education, liberal arts, and liberal education; why classical programs reject textbooks; why no one can be classically educated without being a disciple; and so much more.
If you ever wondered about the why behind the Kolbe curriculum, or you just want to know more about classical education, this is the episode for you.
Related links & Kolbecast episodes:
Thomas Aquinas College’s “Blue Book”
70 First Draft: A Parent In-Service
100 In the Beginning with Kolbe Academy co-founder Mrs. Dianne Muth
240 Entry Points for Evangelization: Jimmy Mitchell’s Let Beauty Speak
109 A Lifetime Venture with Dr. George Harne, who now serves as president at Christendom College
93 Good Thinking
111 What Treasures Remain
226 Cultivating Habits of Excellence with Dr. Andrew Abela
105 Not Just for Special Occasions – Rebecca Czarnecki on socialization
2024-25 Humanities series:
220 Decoding Mythology to Reveal Christianity
225 On the Same (Greco-Roman) Page
229 Take a Note from Homer
234 Adding Color to What Is Black & White
239 Divine Plot Twist
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
242 Finish Line in Sight
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
AMDG. Kolbe seniors Ignatius, Dhilan, and Agnes join the Kolbecast to share an insider look at life as a Kolbe student. From their honor society activities to aerial acrobatics and magic, these students keep their schedules packed. The students share a range of experiences of homeschooling life, from taking music lessons at the University of Notre Dame to life on the road. What do all the students have in common? An impressive list of accomplishments and a love for learning that shines through in every sentence.
Listen to hear about the challenges and successes these students have met with in their senior year, their advice for Kolbe students, and their future plans.
related Kolbecast episodes & links:
132 Monday Morning Assembly
99 Gifted, Graced, and Formed
163 Postcards from France
241 Renew, Resolve, Reengage
186 Full Circle (of Fifths) and 201 The Soundtrack of Life with Dr. Carl Hasler and Mrs. Olivia Knuffke
196 Adaptable Asynchronous & Dynamic Digital Homeschool Options
148 Engage & Apply
141 From Homeschooling to The Merry Beggars with Peter Atkinson
24 Rise & Shine with Anthony & Clare Gath
124 In This Together and 125 Call the Advisor
Cultivating Friendships and Enriching Social Activities for Homeschool Students
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
241 Renew, Resolve, Reengage
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
AMDG. What questions should homeschool parents be asking halfway through the academic year? Homeschooling moms and Kolbe employees Vanessa Delgado and Elyse Williams join the Kolbecast to talk about what to do— and not do!— if you’ve fallen behind; how to deal with burnout and unmotivated kids; when you should change courses and how to do it; when to start planning next year’s courses; the role of ability tests; and so much more.
Vanessa and Elyse will leave you feeling understood and encouraged, ready to take on second semester.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned & relevant:
107 Wander & Wonder with Vanessa Delgado & Nikki Shaffer
207 A Privilege of a Lifetime with Elyse Williams
232 Part of the Family: Parents & Advisors as Partners
29 The February Staredown
140 Burnout Happens
83 This Is Only a Test
176 The Agenda Is to Grow with Art & Laraine Bennett
183 Gratuitous Gifts: Charisms with Sherry Weddell
59 The Secret Whiteboard
214 A Long View
74 Special Teams: Kolbe Dads
Related links:
Articles from the Kolbe.org Help Center:
Late & Mid-Year Enrollment
High School Planning folder
High School Graduation Planner
Interest & Ability Tools
Grade Reporting
Standardized Testing
Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation aptitude testing
Scripture readings for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
240 Entry Points for Evangelization -- Jimmy Mitchell's Let Beauty Speak
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
AMDG. “This is about making heaven crowded.”
Assistant principal at Jesuit High School and author Jimmy Mitchell shares his many years of experience evangelizing in his new book, “Let Beauty Speak.”
Jimmy reveals how to identify the right individualized approach to talk to someone about the faith as well as the role of beauty in conversion. He discusses his life story, from joining the seminary to traveling the world.
“At the age of thirty-eight, I feel like I’ve lived three lives,” Jimmy muses, “there’s very few things I haven’t done.”
Tune in to hear inspiring anecdotes from Jimmy’s ministry work; his favorite story about St. Ignatius; when music becomes immoral; the coming renewal in classical architecture and music; and Jimmy’s experience as a Catholic entrepreneur and music manager in Nashville.
Links mentioned & relevant:
Let Beauty Speak by Jimmy Mitchell
Jimmy’s website
The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise by Cardinal Robert Sarah with Nicolas Diat
The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux
Kolbe Academy’s Let Beauty Speak series
Session 1: Introduction, Wonder & Freedom
Session 2: Friendship & Prayer
Session 3: Leisure & Work
Related Kolbecast episodes:
27 An Appreciation of Wonder
34 A Beauty-Linked Life with Professor Carol Reynolds
71 A Sight for Sore Eyes with Chris Lewis of Baritus Catholic
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
239 Divine Plot Twist
Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
AMDG. Join Bonnie, Steven, and Jordan as they unpack the famous Greek play, Oedipus Rex. The tragic play slowly unravels the story of the downfall of the infamous king, Agamemnon. From murder to unexpected Biblical connections, there is no shortage of material to cover. The team reveals everything you need to know about Oedipus Rex, from historical context to major plot points, including must-ask questions and conversation starters to share with your children or think about on your own. The team discusses what you should learn in a liberal arts education and the tools you can develop in high school to keep you a step ahead; the surprising subjects that aren’t classical; how one saint changed the game in classical education; “the blue book” and what it teaches; and why the Humanities Series is the perfect segue into the Christmas celebration. Listen to the end to hear a special sneak peek into the next Humanities episode, introducing a classical epic that completely subverted the expectations around Greek culture and social views.
Links mentioned & relevant:
Five Misconceptions about the Liberal Arts from the CLT Journal
René Girard, Theology, and Pop Culture, to which Jordan Almanzar contributed a chapter
Conversations about Jimmy Mitchell’s Let Beauty Speak
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Implementation of Ignatian Education in the Home by Kolbe Academy co-founder Francis Crotty
Related Kolbecast episodes:
in this Humanities series:
220 Decoding Mythology to Reveal Christianity
225 On the Same (Greco-Roman) Page
229 Take a Note from Homer
234 Adding Color to What Is Black & White
221 A Survey and a Starting Point
188 Challenges as Opportunities and 219 The Upside of Anxiety with Dr. Kevin Majeres
109 A Lifetime Venture with Dr. George Harne
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
238 Pat Millea on Accompaniment, Hope, Integration, and Resilience
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
AMDG. Catholic youth minister and podcaster Pat Millea joins the Kolbecast to share his journey from parish work to beginning an integrated Catholic therapy center. Pat explains what “integration” means; how a good therapist should sit with their clients; what “admonishing the sinner” really looks like; why parents shouldn’t protect their children from failure or suffering; how to guide children through discernment; the real meaning of self-care; why telling someone to “offer it up” can be unkind; how our day to day suffering can still be redemptive; and advice for beating the holiday stress. Listen to the end for a few special insights from Pat’s years of ministry experience!
Links mentioned & relevant:
The Martin Center for Integration
Episodes of the This Whole Life Podcast
Jonathan Heidt’s The Anxious Generation
Related Kolbecast episodes:
227 Sensory Awareness & Problem Solving with Caitlin Russ
21 To Live Fully Alive
188 Challenges as Opportunities and 219 The Upside of Anxiety with Dr. Kevin Majeres
206 Loaves & Fishes
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes or a story of your own experience that you’d like to share? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
We’d be grateful for your feedback! Please share your thoughts with us via this Kolbecast survey!
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!

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