Thursday Jun 10, 2021
50 Backstage (Cast Party)
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
AMDG. Hats off to our 50th episode! Tune in today to hear the more casual side of the cast as we welcome back some of the guests we’ve had the pleasure of having on the show during our first rebooted season. We let our hair down, reminisce about the past year, and sketch out big dreams for the next. Ever heard the Socratic method applied to Star Wars combat walkers? Listen in and you will. On this episode, we also bid farewell to Hope, who’s temporarily stepping back from being on air as she starts a new day job.
references & links
Ep 11 with Everett Buyarski
Ep 25 Backstage
Kolbe careers and job openings
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast player for effortless episode delivery.
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
49 Revealed Through Story with Joseph Pearce
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
AMDG. We are thrilled to welcome the keynote speaker of our portable homeschool convention: Joseph Pearce. With clear enthusiasm for the subjects he teaches, Joseph describes how God conveys the greatest lessons to us--theological, philosophical, moral, and historical--in terms of story and literature. He explains how humility gives us a sense of gratitude, gratitude opens the eyes in wonder, wonder leads us to contemplation, and contemplation dilates the mind and soul into the fullness of reality. And he reassures parents who may not have a classical education themselves: don’t be daunted and think you’re not worthy to educate your children. Resources and opportunities abound for parents to learn themselves, which in turn unites children and parents and brings their family closer together. Ultimately, Joseph explains how to have an education in the humanities is to become more fully human.
Resources (Bolded text below denotes links.)
Classical Education and the Future of Civilization
Graduation 2018: Reflections from a Kolbe Family
Are Homeschools Serving as Newman Guide Prep Schools?
2018 Graduation
Literature: What Every Catholic Should Know
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app for effortless episode delivery.
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
48 Because It Rings True
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
AMDG. Today Chrissy Almanzar, theology department chair and Jordan's wife, shares her experience of the richness of grace and faith as a convert to Christianity and intercultural theology scholar who is now a high school teacher. We discuss head knowledge versus heart knowledge of religion, why Kolbe’s high school theology curriculum does not use a catechetical approach, the connection between history and theology, and the idea of giving students something to love instead of something to recite. Chrissy also describes how she answers doubts from her students with enthusiasm because, as she says, if there’s a question in your mind, it’s because God wants you to know its answer. If you have high schoolers asking hard questions, this is the episode for you.
Hope references Kolbecast Episode 8 with Colleen Carroll Campbell.
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app for effortless episode delivery.
Monday Jun 07, 2021
47 Among the Pots and Pans
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
AMDG. Gather around our metaphorical kitchen table as Kelly Powers and Chris Bates re-join Bonnie and Hope to talk about their shared love of cooking—both their own experience in the kitchen and the highs and lows of cooking with kids. We cover adapting meals to food sensitives and allergies, kids’ capabilities in the kitchen at various ages, safety habits for teaching children to work with knives and stoves, the joy of having music and dancing in the kitchen, and the idea of food as service for others. In the background of all of this is cooking’s marvelous way of fostering independence, generosity, creative thinking, sequencing, and confidence.
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast player for effortless episode delivery.
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
46 Language Lab with Mme. Jenni Mammola
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
AMDG and bonjour! Today, language department chair and French teacher Madame Jenni Mammola joins the cast to share her enthusiasm and insight into the field. She takes on the idea that French can have a reputation as a superfluous or overly romantic “elective” and describes how the language is set to be the third-most spoken language in the world, is important in a variety of industries (including technology), and has had huge influence on how the English language has developed. Madame also talks about the practical side of language learning, from being silly with accents to having unstructured time where academic knowledge can become conversational. And stay tuned, s’il vous plait, to the end of the episode for a special version of the Kolbecast Litany.
Madame Mammola’s tips for increased listening and practice in the home:
*** Parents should always examine resources before sharing with their children. ***
Bolded words below are links:
Use YouTube for free episodes of children’s cartoons in French, such as Peppa Pig and Caillou
Select “French language” dubbing on most Disney movies. You can do this on DVD but also on Disney Plus.
Access free children’s audio books in French online.
Animated stories from history in French
Web site full of classic fairy tales as well as children’s songs in French
Watch the news in French. This web site edits the news for young people, complete with animated explanations of current events
France 24 - world news in French and English
TV 5 – bilingual world news as well as free French lessons
Listen to French music! There are many free French playlists available on Amazon Music and Spotify. This link takes you to a playlist with 600 French songs.
Free online books organized by reading level
Explore masterpieces of art free online by going directly to the Louvre or the Musee d’Orsay
Watch French films kids might enjoy like Le Petit Nicolas (also a book series) and Le Petit Prince (2015 film has both a French and an English-speaking version).
Listen to podcasts. There are many, many podcasts aimed at people who are learning French. A few suggestions (again, review first for any content you don’t want your children hearing): One Thing in a French Day; News in Slow French; Coffee Break French; Duolingo French Podcast
Useful apps for your phone or iPad:
Wordreference (best French dictionary)
Verb2Verbe (conjugate any verb)
Cook! Learn French recipes! Try watching cooking tutorials in French.
Incorporate French traditions into some of your Catholic feast days, for instance, bake a galette des rois for Epiphany, serve crepes on La Chandeleur (Candlemas), or try a buche de noel at Christmas. Read about Poisson d’Avril on April Fool’s.
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe in your favorite podcast app for effortless episode delivery.
Wednesday May 26, 2021
45 Grace Perfects Nature
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
AMDG. Today’s episode title comes from St. Thomas Aquinas by way of clinical psychologist Peter Malinoski, who joins us today along with registered clinical counselor Jody Garneau to discuss mental health and homeschooling. Dr. Peter and Jody speak from years of experience as both mental health practitioners and homeschool parents themselves—he, the father of seven children and she, the mother of four. Among today’s topics are human formation as foundation for spiritual formation, the importance of parents’ mental health when homeschooling, and how to broach the topic of mental health where there might be resistance or fear. Perfectionism and scrupulosity also come up, as does spiritual bypassing: the tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.
Jody’s practical tips for homeschool families are to prioritize:
Help forming feelings into words
Parts awareness
Scheduling quiet time
Grounding (simple enough for kids)
Links mentioned and resources:
Souls & Hearts, Dr. Peter’s online outreach with Dr. Gerry Crete
Souls and Hearts courses and shows
Dr. Peter visits with Adam Cross, LMFT, on The Catholic Therapist’s episode The Roots of Scrupulosity.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hoxie, science department chair and creator of Kolbe’s health course, recently hosted a Facebook Live on the subject of mental health which featured psychologist Dr. Courtney Minerd and one of Mrs. Hoxie’s students.
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast player for effortless episode delivery.
Wednesday May 19, 2021
44 Student Spotlight–Newsletter Team
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
AMDG. Last fall, we heard from three young men who are current Kolbe students. Today, we hear from three young women—Elena, Ellen, and Emily—who are active both in Kolbe academics and in Kolbe’s online clubs. They talk with Bonnie and Hope about their roles in putting together the monthly Kolbe Chronicle newsletter, as well as what they like and dislike about being homeschooled and what they spend their time doing when they’re not doing school.
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast player for effortless episode delivery.
Wednesday May 12, 2021
43 The Grade Examen
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
AMDG. Are you staring down a pile of paperwork? Or maybe that pile feels more like an avalanche? Take a breath, cue up this episode, and listen in as Everett Buyarski and Erica Treat share with Bonnie and Hope what’s really necessary for grade reporting and record-keeping. With some insights from advisors who write letters of recommendation and tricks for PDF creation and viewing, the group discusses bringing the year home and reviewing what all you have to show for it. Hang in there—the end of the school year is closer than it appears.
Links & resources mentioned
Welcome Packet for Enrolled Families
To request transcripts: Parchment.com
Video tutorial on different methods to scan and email student documentation submissions
Kolbecast Ep. 26 with Aviva Lund Truth in Person
Facebook Friday webinar on grade reporting
Have a question or suggestion for the Kolbecast team? Drop us a line at podcast@kolbe.org. Subscribe in your favorite podcast player for effortless episode delivery.

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