Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
74 Special Teams–Kolbe Dads
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
AMDG. Experienced dads Mike Drapeau and Greg Simia – each the father of eight children – join Jordan and Steven to talk about a father's contribution to the homeschooling dynamic. The group discusses roles as both support parent and primary homeschooling parent, the help dads can provide with things like cooking dinner and driving kids to activities, and ways for fathers to deepen their involvement with homeschooling while working or traveling a lot. They also touch on words of advice and encouragement for reluctant dads, the influence fathers have on their children’s faith lives, and the way coaching sports teams can bring an additional level of influence and involvement.
Greg’s recommended links:
Secret Garden Educational Pathways
Home School Astronomy
Other links that might be helpful:
Kolbecast Ep 12 Phone a Friend with Celeste Cuellar
Kolbecast Ep 66 Bonhomie à la Kolbe with Ashley Massey & Kim Crawford discussing (among other things) the domestic church
Facebook Live presentation by Margaret Walsh of Secret Garden Educational Pathways
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
73 Through Beauty and Technology
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
AMDG. Early in the podcast comeback, we talked with Kolbe drama teacher Dolores Mihaliak about the timeless significance of dramatic arts and timely capabilities of technology. Dolores rejoins Bonnie today to have a conversation about a new way to experience the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage route in Spain which dates back to the days of the apostles. Homeschool graduate and current Ave Maria University student Leila Castillo tells Bonnie and Dolores more about this cinematic pilgrimage, as well as how she honed her communication and media skills while homeschooling and how she chose to rise to opportunities in her path.
Learn more about the movie and Ahava Productions via these links:
"Santiago: THE CAMINO WITHIN" -- watch the trailer and rent the film (English & Spanish)!
ECHO series (2016) on the US Catholic Catechism for Adults that Leila assisted with (English & Spanish)
Music that Moves the Soul
Consider hosting a Pilgrim Party to enjoy the film with friends, relatives, and parishioners!
Follow Ahava Productions on Instagram @ahava_productions
Follow Ahava Productions on Facebook @AhavaProductions
Videos Leila produced with her siblings in 2020:
"The Five First Saturdays Devotion" and "Visiting Jesus!" Documentary (Scroll to the bottom, under "Castillo Kids CK101 Channel)
"Visiting Jesus!" Documentary also found here (first video on this page)
Other relevant links:
Kolbecast Episode 3 with Dolores Mihaliak
Camino pilgrimage page on Google Arts & Culture
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
72 Participatory Citizens
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
AMDG. Kolbe history teachers Anne Angstenberger and Erin Anderson join Bonnie and Steven today on a discussion of civilization from the annals of ancient Greece to the halls of modern sorority houses. As the group takes a deep dive into Kolbe’s high school history curriculum, they explore our emphasis on developing the skills of looking at context, engaging with primary sources, and being able to both ask and answer open-ended questions. They examine high schoolers’ awareness of the overlaps between history and daily life regarding challenges to authority or the status quo, protection of human rights, globalism, and politically charged societies. And they reflect on ways to develop civic responsibility and generosity in the home from field trips to relationships.
Links mentioned and helpful resources:
National Archives
National Constitution Center
Catholic Textbook Project's This Week in History
The Smithsonian
National Geographic Education
Kolbecast episode 15 Asparagus Moments with Therese Prudlo
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
71 A Sight for Sore Eyes
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
AMDG. Plato once observed that true beauty is a healthy shock, and Kolbe's recently-debuted “Mary and Max” logo is a striking example of evocative illustration. Today Bonnie and Steven visit with the logo’s creator: Chris Lewis of Baritus Catholic Illustration. Chris describes the symbolic connection of proclaiming and defending the truth through artistry; the idea of graphic design as both problem solving and storytelling; and the way art is a conduit for hope and conversion. He shares the road he’s traveled to develop a masculine, reverent, modern, realistic style in his artwork, as well as the challenges and rewards of transitioning from secular graphic design to full-time sacred subjects. Ultimately, the group reflects on the idea of creativity as a search for God and the idea that a new renaissance is developing as the world longs for beauty.
Links referenced and that might be helpful:
Kolbe Academy on Instagram and Facebook
art contest winners
Duncan Stroik
Related Kolbecast episodes and appearances
Ep. 20 Head, Heart, and Hands with Rebecca DeVendra (art and drawing)
Ep. 2 Patron Saints
Kolbecast Convention Finale FB Live with Chris Lewis & Jordan Almanzar
Get your own Mary & Max sticker in the Kolbe bookstore.
Check out the Baritus Catholic website and shop.
Christopher Columbus (Lives of Catholic Heroes and Heroines Volume 1) by John O’Kane Murray and Phillip Campbell, cover art by Chris Lewis
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
70 First Draft – A Parent In-Service
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
AMDG. We talk a lot on the podcast about the importance of eloquence for people regardless of whether they’re in the liberal arts, STEM, or other professions. With that in mind, writing is an important part of the Kolbe curriculum across subject areas in keeping with principles of Ignatian pedagogy that listeners can learn more about on the Kolbe blog (see below).So how do we develop that art on a day-to-day basis? Bonnie and guest co-host Erica Treat (a Kolbe advisor and friend of the Kolbecast) endeavor to answer that today with the help of Kolbe instructors Chrissy Almanzar and Michelle Kim. We also hear more about Kolbe’s Homeschool Plus and Self-Paced Plus programs and get a preview of the Kolbe Academy Virtual College Fair on Friday, October 29, 2021.
Kolbe Academy blog posts referenced:
The Basics of Ignatian Pedagogy and subsequent posts in a six-part series by Stacey Jarzynka
‘Mottoes’ by Willa Ryan
Sign up here for Kolbe’s Virtual College Fair on October 29, 2021. Check out this blog post for how to prepare for the day. Related Kolbecast episodes include
Ep 38: Substance Matters with CLT Founder Jeremy Tate
Ep 40: Windshield Time with Dr. Donald Prudlo of the University of Tulsa
Ep 59: The Secret Whiteboard with Everett Buyarski and Erica Treat
For more information about Kolbe’s career planning services or to connect with an advisor, click here. Kolbe is proud to partner with a number of authentically Catholic colleges and universities to aid in the post-secondary school discernment process.
For more information about Kolbe’s grading services, check out this section of the Kolbe website. To sign up for Homeschool Plus or Self-Paced courses, contact your child’s grade level advisor. Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
69 Temperature Check
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
AMDG. The change in seasons brings a great time to stop and look at how things are going with the new school year. Today we do just that, with Bonnie and Steven joined by Everett Buyarski, Megan Lengyel, and Nicole O’Connor. The group discusses midterms season, organization for elementary schoolers, Kolbe’s new National Honor Society chapter and the service opportunities involved, the similarities and differences between this school year and last year’s pandemic year, and the ever-expanding menu of club options available to Kolbe students. Listen to the end for a preview of the Christmas concert too.
Sign up here for Kolbe’s Virtual College Fair on October 29, 2021.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned and related:
Ep 11: Truth, Wisdom, and Virtue with Everett Buyarski
Ep 14: We Don’t Think Those Words Mean What You Think They Mean with Nicole O’Connor
Ep 21: To Live Fully Alive with Elizabeth Hoxie
Ep 30: Guiding the Ship featuring Megan, Everett, and Nicole
Ep 33: Show Your Work with Kelly Powers
Ep 38: Substance Matters with CLT founder Jeremy Tate
Ep 43: The Grade Examen and Ep 59: The Secret Whiteboard with Everett and Kolbe advisor Erica Treat
Ep 47: Among the Pots and Pans with Chris Bates and Kelly Powers
Ep 50: Backstage (Cast Party) with Everett and Megan in attendance
Ep 64: Stricken by Ideas with Dr. Carl Hasler
Ep 68: Grace for the Nitty-Gritty with Kolbe advisors and deans Celeste Cuellar and Ashley Massey
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
68 Grace for the Nitty-Gritty
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
AMDG. At this midpoint of the first semester, Steven and Bonnie seek the wisdom and guidance of Kolbe Academy’s deans Celeste Cuellar and Ashley Massey. From time management to adjusting expectations to executive function, these advisors offer advice for the both the forest and the trees plus perspective on how the hiccups, obstacles, and frustrations can work for the good of everyone in the family.
Resources mentioned:
Angela Duckworth’s TED Talk and book about grit.
Lumosity.com brain training
Kolbecast episodes that might be helpful:
Ep 12 Phone a Friend with Celeste Cuellar
Ep 60 Mission: Possible about the ninth-grade year
Ep 66 with Ashley Massey and Kim Crawford
Ep 23 Family Is the Center which covers one Kolbe family’s experience with dyslexia
Ep 10 In the Driver’s Seat
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
67 Mission Driven
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
AMDG. We’re thrilled to introduce a new cast member/podcast co-host: Steven Hayden, Kolbe’s new Development Director. Steven joins us with a voice of experience and a wealth of knowledge from experience in both the secular corporate world and the Catholic homeschool world. He discusses a range of topics in this introductory episode with Jordan and Bonnie, such as the camaraderie and goals Kolbe fosters as an organization, the importance of identifying people’s strengths and systems’ flaws, and possibilities for philanthropy and outreach moving forward.
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.

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