Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
90 Vocations Here, Now, and Eventually
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
AMDG. The longings put there in your heart are meant to lead you to your personal vocation. That can be easier said than lived, though, right? Today Adam and Pamela Castor join Bonnie and Steven to discuss vocations and discernment in an approachable, pragmatic conversation. The Castors share their thoughts and guidance on bringing the faith alive at home, how family life is the church in miniature, and how frequenting the sacraments and a life of prayer are the keys to figuring out a vocation.
Relevant links:
Steven refers to Sherry Weddell, author and creator of the Catherine of Siena Institute’s Called and Gifted Discernment Program.
How to make lilies for St. Joseph’s Day using kids’ handprints
Fr. Stephen Gadberry on "Pints with Padre" during 2022 Catholic Schools Week
Kolbe's 2022 Vocations Retreat speakers included (among several others)
Fr. Robert Spitzer of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith, home of Credible Catholic
The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
Amy Rodriguez Art
Ruach Ministry
Fr. Stephen Gadberry
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Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
89 The Master Blueprint
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
AMDG. Science is a body of knowledge that’s constantly in flux, and students and parents alike may approach science—especially in the upper grades—with misconceptions or concerns. Today, Kolbe science teachers Elizabeth Hoxie, Katie Bradley, and Ann Still join Bonnie and Steven to discuss how science does not need to be watered down or diluted to be palatable to Catholics. Our guests share their own experiences of how being scientists has positively affected their faith lives, how they see beautiful microcosms in the created world, and how there is an eminent rationality to belief in a creator. They challenge the narrative that all scientists are atheists and talk about why Catholic families don’t need to go on the defensive when it comes to science. They also discuss Kolbe’s reliance on secular science textbooks and why it’s an important part of the curriculum here.
Resources compiled by our guests and related:
Brilliant: 25 Catholic Scientists, Mathematicians, and Supersmart People
Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science
Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?...And Other Questions from the Astronomer's Inbox at the Vatican Observatory
The Inner Life of the Cell
The Society of Catholic Scientists
In the Beginning…': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall
How to Get Started with Nature Journaling
Zero to Einstein in 60 by B.K. Hixson, Mrs. Still’s go-to experiment book using common household items
Vatican Observatory Website and Podcast
Kolbecast episodes mentioned and related:
Elizabeth Hoxie’s first Kolbecast episode, To Live Fully Alive
42 Let Them Tinker with Kolbe mom Louise Deal
Ep 26 Truth in Person with Kolbe alumna Aviva Lund
Links to related Kolbe content:
Fr. Stephen Gadberry speaking on evolution at the recent “Pints with Padre” live event
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Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
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Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
88 Built for Battle with Jonathan Conrad, the Catholic Woodworker
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
AMDG. We’ve talked before about the importance of the physical spaces where homeschooling and general life happen. Today, Jonathan Conrad of The Catholic Woodworker joins Bonnie and Steven to discuss the benefits of surrounding ourselves with physical, beautiful sacramentals to remind us of who we are, who God is, what we’re doing, and why we’re doing it. Jonathan shares some of his background and emphasis on evangelization, discusses what spiritual warfare is and isn’t, and explains how people can bring dignity to their work in both sacred and secular dimensions.
Find Jonathan’s writings and online storefront at The Catholic Woodworker.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned:
Ep 71 A Sight for Sore Eyes with Chris Lewis of Baritus Catholic Illustration
Ep 63 The Saints Speak for Themselves with the Holy Heroes Parents
Books and resources mentioned:
The Little Oratory
The Catholic All Year Compendium: Liturgical Living for Real Life
Henry Kutarna, the Catholic CEO
Exodus 90
Matt Fradd, author, speaker, and host of Pints with Aquinas
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode!
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
87 Home Base
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
AMDG. As enrollment season arrives, we’re taking a look at the opportunities Kolbe Academy middle and high school students have to take homeroom, a course that’s come a long way since it was first offered and now combines opportunities for academic support, community, and personalized guidance from Kolbe’s devoted, resourceful teachers. This episode features four of those marvelous homeroom instructors – Kim Crawford, Brittany Doucette, Michelle Kim, and Jenni Mammola – and offers a glimpse into their clever, compassionate approach to providing a home base for Kolbe middle and high school students regardless of how many courses the students take online. We also hear about the bonds that have been forged through the homeroom courses and how families can connect with each other outside of class.
Links mentioned and helpful:
School-wide address with announcements about the 2022-23 school year
Sign up for Shadow Week starting March 7, 2022
2022-23 Summer Courses
How to connect with other Kolbe families (for enrolled families only)
Kolbe Admission Events
related Kolbecast episodes:
Ep 3 Dramatic Arts with Dolores Mihaliak
Ep 33 Show Your Work with Kelly Powers
Ep 46 Language Lab with Jenni Mammola
Ep 49 Revealed through Story with Joseph Pearce
Ep 53 Through a Catholic Lens, Kim Crawford’s Kolbecast debut, and Ep 66 Bonhomie à la Kolbe with Kim and Kolbe advisor Ashley Massey
Ep 50 Cast Party
Ep 60 Mission: Possible with tenth grader Xavier on the 9th grade year
Ep 61 Middle Ground with middle school teachers Alex Pischke and Amanda Hayes
Ep 70: First Draft: A Parent In-Service featuring Michelle Kim along with Chrissy Almanzar & Erica Treat
Ep 76 Study Buddies with Jenni Mammola and officers of Kolbe’s National Honor Society chapter
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode!
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
86 Magdalen College, the Rivendell of the Newman Guide
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
AMDG. To flourish as a human being is to think well, love well, discern well, work well with others, and so much more. Today, Magdalen College president Dr. Ryan Messmore joins Bonnie and Steven to discuss how Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts in Warner, New Hampshire, provides an atmosphere where every day is designed to shape young people to do just that. Dr. Messmore describes the blend of new and old, fresh and classic, that guides students as they wrestle with the biggest ideas in the world. The group also discusses the role of trust in education, the idea that community life is the most powerful mode of transforming education, and the telos of the human being. As a bonus, listen in to find out which Kolbe teacher recently built a homemade Zamboni.
Links mentioned and helpful:
Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts
Magdalen College’s podcast From the Summit
Dr. Messmore interviews Jordan about When the Earth Was Flat
Dr. Jordan Almanzar’s custom Zamboni can be seen on the Magdalen College Facebook page (scroll to the post of 13 Jan 2022).
Dr. Messmore’s introduction on the Magdalen College podcast From the Summit
Kolbecast Episode 28 A Pessimist with Hope featuring Dr. Anthony Esolen
Cardinal Newman Society feature on Magdalen College
Kolbe Academy’s College Partners
Other Life after Kolbe episodes:
Episodes 39 Reclaiming the Territory and 40 Windshield Time with Dr. Don Prudlo
Episode 59 The Secret Whiteboard with Everett Buyarski and Erica Treat
Episode 77 The Road Less Traveled with Celeste Cuellar
Episode 84 The Essence of Catholic Education with Patrick Reilly of the Cardinal Newman Society
Episode 85 Vibrant Campus Ministries
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
85 Vibrant Campus Ministries
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
AMDG. Our Life after Kolbe series continues as Steven and Bonnie hear from Mark Knox, campus minister at St. Mary’s Catholic Center in College Station, Texas; Monica Conrow, a Kolbe homeschooling mom and youth minister in Oregon; and Elise Athman, another Kolbe mom and former FOCUS missionary, about the vibrant Catholic student ministries on a growing number of state and secular campuses. In the spirit of Cardinal John Henry Newman, whom we encountered in last week’s episode, these campus ministries are reaching out to students, giving them places to call home away from home in more ways than one, and accompanying them on their walk into adulthood. The group also addresses concerns families may have about state or secular colleges and the potential detrimental effects on the faith life of the students attending; speaks to the fear factor that is a common experience of many families at this juncture; and offers suggestions for ways to identify dynamic Newman Centers as part of the college search.
Links mentioned and helpful:
50 Best College Newman Centers (Best College Reviews)
Mary’s Catholic Center in College Station, Texas
The Newman Center at Oregon State University
John’s Newman Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Arizona State University’s partnership with U Mary, a Newman Guide school
FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students
Other Life after Kolbe episodes:
Episode 59 The Secret Whiteboard with Everett Buyarski and Erica Treat
Episode 40 Windshield Time with Dr. Don Prudlo
Episode 77 The Road Less Traveled with Celeste Cuellar
Episode 84 The Essence of Catholic Education with Patrick Reilly of the Cardinal Newman Society
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
84 The Essence of Catholic Education with Patrick Reilly
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
AMDG. The fundamental question of defining education is one of our favorite and most frequent topics. Today, president and founder of the Cardinal Newman Society, Patrick Reilly, joins Bonnie, Steven, and Jordan to discuss education beyond the K-12 years. Patrick proposes the idea of education as a window into God’s mind and explains how this perspective—along with a healthy dose of frustration—led him to look deeply at the state of Catholic education at the college level. He also elucidates some the difference between Newman Guide schools and schools with Newman Centers (stay tuned for an upcoming episode on the latter).
Links mentioned and helpful:
Cardinal Newman Society, publisher of The Newman Guide
Playlist of presentations at Kolbe’s Virtual College Fair Oct 2021, including Patrick Reilly’s Keynote Address
related Kolbecast episodes
Episode 59 The Secret Whiteboard with Everett Buyarski and Erica Treat
Episode 40 Windshield Time with Dr. Don Prudlo
Episode 77 The Road Less Traveled with Celeste Cuellar
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
83 This Is Only a Test
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
AMDG. The words “standardized testing” may induce anxiety in parents and students alike, but today’s episode is all about a calm and competent approach. Jon & Chris Bates join Bonnie, Steven, and Steven’s wife Maggie to speak with experience as both homeschool parents and academic advisors. The group discusses why and what to test, paper and online options, and the information that testing can and cannot highlight. They also touch on environmental considerations for testing, how to navigate and mitigate student panic over tests, and how to approach test scores as a healthy assessment tool while keeping your unique students in mind.
Links mentioned and helpful:
Kolbe Academy’s testing services
Episode 62 Due Diligence with Darren Jones of the Home School Legal Defense Association
Episode 68 Grace for the Nitty Gritty with Celeste Cuellar and Ashley Massey
Episode 80 The Journey That Is with Margaret Walsh of Secret Garden Educational Pathways
Episode 31 Veteran Homeschoolers – the Kolbecast debut of Jon and Chris Bates
Episode 47 Among the Pots and Pans with Chris Bates and Kelly Powers
Episode 50 Cast Party
Look for the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and subscribe for effortless episode delivery.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.

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