Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
114 Kolbe Past, Present, and Future
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
AMDG. Kolbe’s Executive Director Mary Rowles visits with Bonnie and Steven today about Kolbe's origins, evolution, and outlook. As she describes how Kolbe has grown from a family business and apostolate and its response to rise in demand during the pandemic, Mary’s openness to service is clear—as is her innate leadership, with a tone that brings out the best in people and an emphasis on putting values to practice.
Relevant Kolbecast episodes:
72 Participatory Citizens
100 In the Beginning with Mary’s mother Mrs. Dianne Muth
103 Above and Beyond with Mary’s sister Nancy Nelson
63 The Saints Speak for Themselves with the Holy Heroes parents
The Kolbecast has covered a lot of ground in its 100+ episodes. Our website's new filters make it easy to find episodes organized by topic. Head to kolbe.org/podcast and scroll down to choose episodes on a particular subject or to see the entire catalog of episodes.
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org
Friday Jul 29, 2022
113 At the Kolbe Table * Convention Day 5
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
AMDG. Homeschool conventions offer the opportunity for curriculum providers to take their shows on the road, but this week we’ve brought the show to you. Listen to this year’s convention finale for insights, updates, and wisdom from Megan Lengyel, Everett Buyarski, Nicole O’Connor, Chrissy Almanzar, Tony Guzzaldo, and Maggie Hayden. The discussion includes the various enrollment options Kolbe offers, advice for getting back in the school state of mind, and an exclusive code for podcast listeners to avoid late enrollment fees.
This is Day 5 of the 2022 Kolbecast Convention. Previous episodes include
Day 1 with Dr. George Harne
Day 2 with Matt and Erin Ingold of Metanoia Catholic
Day 3 on the treasures of the ancient Greeks and their relevance to us today
Day 4 on the Ignatian principle of care of the whole person, its role at Kolbe, and how it applies to all of us
For more in-depth information about some of Everett’s points, check out these links:
high school planning webinar
school-wide address
graduation requirements
Check out Kolbe’s brand new third grade history text Stories of a Changing World!
Our recent Open House included an opening prayer and talk by friend of the Kolbecast Michelle Kim and presentations on several aspects of Kolbe’s offerings. Here’s the entire playlist.
relevant Kolbecast episodes
81 The When and the How of Online Elementary
82 Move & Groove
83 This Is Only a Test
87 Home Base
103 Above & Beyond
The Kolbecast has covered a lot of ground in its 100+ episodes. Our website's new filters make it easy to find episodes organized by topic. Head to Kolbe.org/podcast and scroll down to choose episodes on a particular subject or to see the entire catalog of episodes.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
112 Cura Personalis - The Intro * Convention Day 4
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
AMDG. The great commandment to love your neighbor as yourself begins from a place of loving yourself well. Today Everett Buyarski, Elizabeth Hoxie, and Therese Prudlo introduce the Ignatian education tenet of “cura personalis” or “care of the whole person”—a pragmatic yet profound discipline that forms students into the men and women they are designed to be. The group discusses how repetition, rest, food, sleep, and exercise contribute to unity of mind, heart, and soul; encourages the idea that good is of God wherever it happens to appear; and suggests ways for families to reflect on what they give attention to and what sort of fruit it bears.
Links Elizabeth mentioned:
Characteristics of Jesuit Education.pdf (jesuitinstitute.org)
*Ignatian Pedagogy (JI Edition 2013).pdf (jesuitinstitute.org)
Here’s where to get your copy of Implementation of Ignatian Education in the Home.
This is Day 4 of the 2022 Kolbecast Convention. Previous episodes include
Day 1 with Dr. George Harne
Day 2 with Matt and Erin Ingold of Metanoia Catholic
Day 3 on the treasures of the ancient Greeks and their relevance to us today
The Kolbecast has covered a lot of ground in its 100+ episodes. Our website's new filters make it easy to find episodes organized by topic. Head to Kolbe.org/podcast and scroll down to choose episodes on a particular subject or to see the entire catalog of episodes.
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
111 What Treasures Remain * Convention Day 3
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
AMDG. If we made a list of FAQs about the Kolbe curriculum, the top question would likely be why Kolbe begins high school with Greek history, literature, and philosophy. Today’s episode explores that question through a roundtable discussion with some of our resident experts: Kolbe history chair Therese Prudlo, philosophy professor Dr. Don Prudlo, former college philosophy professor and current Kolbe instructor Dr. Carl Hasler, and Kolbe literature teacher Michelle Kim. Highlights of the conversation include how early Christian thinkers had to appeal to the Greek intellect, how a classical education combats the American tendency toward collective forgetfulness, and how students find themselves enthralled by and eager to engage with primary sources despite the time gap between Ancient Greece and Generation Z.
Related Kolbecast episodes
102 A Great Commission featuring the 2022 graduation speeches, Ms. Ellen Finnigan’s among them
60 Mission: Possible
17 Secure to Explore
26 Truth in Person
This is Day 3 of the 2022 Kolbecast Convention. Listen here to Day 1 with Dr. George Harne or Day 2 with Matt and Erin Ingold of Metanoia Catholic.
The Kolbecast has covered a lot of ground in its 100+ episodes. Our website's new filters make it easy to find episodes organized by topic. Head to Kolbe.org/podcast and scroll down to choose episodes on a particular subject or to see the entire catalog of episodes.
Check out Michelle Kim’s opening talk and prayer at Kolbe’s recent Open House.
Members of our panel today can be heard on these other Kolbecast episodes:
15 Asparagus Moments, 36 Embrace the Fifth Day and 37 Take a Moment with Therese Prudlo
64 Stricken by Ideas with Dr. Carl Hasler and Therese Prudlo
39 Reclaiming the Territory, 40 Windshield Time, and 78 The Kolbe Man Show with Dr. Don Prudlo
93 Good Thinking with Dr. Carl Hasler and students
70 First Draft: A Parent In-Service, 87 Home Base, and 94 A Boy, a Book, and a Library Mouse with Michelle Kim
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
110 Choosing the Greatest Good with Matt & Erin Ingold * Convention Day 2
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
AMDG. The universal call to holiness is a call to excellence in every person’s given state of life, but it can be daunting to take this abstract commission and live it out in a practical and fun way. Catholic mindset coaches Matt and Erin Ingold visit with us today about exactly that. The Ingolds speak from a background in a variety of sacred and secular wisdom—from St. Thomas Aquinas to cognitive behavioral therapy—to share their insights on how parents and families can structure their thinking and their lives to experience more of the things they value. They also touch on division in marriage, how to handle worries of inadequacy as a homeschool parent, and the ongoing nature of discerning the best education for your children.
Check out Metanoia Catholic, Matt and Erin’s Catholic coaching company, and their podcast The Catholic Coaching Podcast, available on podcast apps and on YouTube. Bonnie references this decision-making video in the conversation.
Relevant Kolbecast episodes:
10 In the Driver’s Seat
34 A Beauty-Linked Life
53 Q, A, and Encouragement
55 Humor & Humility
56 Home But Not Alone
The Kolbecast has covered a lot of ground in its 100+ episodes. Our website's new filters make it easy to find episodes organized by topic, including filters for the curious and discerning. Head to Kolbe.org/podcast and scroll down to choose episodes on a particular subject or to see the entire catalog of episodes.
This is the second episode of the 2022 Kolbecast Convention. Use the “convention” filter to find other episodes in this series, including Day 1 with Dr. George Harne.
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Monday Jul 25, 2022
109 A Lifetime Venture with Dr. George Harne * Convention Day 1
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
AMDG. The pursuit of human flourishing in this life and the next takes a clear understanding of what it means to be human. Today, Dr. George Harne, Executive Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and Associate Professor at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, joins Bonnie and Steven to discuss the distinctive ins and outs of classical education. Describing a classical curriculum as “more than old dusty books,” Dr. Harne vividly describes the way this kind of education fosters understanding of both personhood and purpose. He also explains how studying organized bodies of knowledge and sequences of learning leads to self-knowledge, critical skills, and wisdom borne from wonder.
Check out Kolbecast episode 16 It’s All Greek to Me with George’s daughter, Kolbe alumna Sophia Harne.
Dr. Harne’s episode is the first of the 2022 Kolbecast convention. The 2021 Kolbecast convention includes these episodes:
47 Among the Pots & Pans
48 Because It Rings True
49 Revealed through Story with Joseph Pearce
50 Backstage (Cast Party)
Other links referenced
Harne’s keynote talk at Kolbe’s Spring 2022 college fair
UST podcast Spelunking with Plato (also available in podcast apps)
Dual Credit opportunities at Kolbe in partnership with The University of St. Thomas
The Kolbecast has covered a lot of ground in its 100+ episodes. Our website's new filters make it easy to find episodes organized by topic. Head to kolbe.org/podcast and scroll down to choose episodes on a particular subject or to see the entire catalog of episodes.
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
108 Time Stood Still
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
AMDG. Our world tour continues with a conversation featuring several intrepid Kolbe students—Martina, Bea, and Katie—who recently toured Greece and Italy along with classmates, parents, and teachers. They share some of the logistics that went into coordinating a distance school’s international voyage, their favorite geographic and culinary highlights of the trip, and their reflections on the similarities and contrasts between Pagan and Catholic wonders. As they describe their trip of a lifetime, our guests today contemplate everyday ancient life and the ways it strengthened their faith, relationships, and connection with the past and with each other.
Related Kolbecast episodes:
76 Study Buddies with Martina and other NHS students + Mrs. Jenni Mammola
92 Protect, Guide, Prepare, Empower with Kolbe parents Nicolai & Cathy Lund
97 Advocates and Bridge Builders with Mrs. Kelly Powers
106 Goals in Mind with Katie’s mom Anna Havens and another Kolbe mom and athletics and homeschooling
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
107 Wander & Wonder
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
AMDG. The flexibility of homeschooling offers families the opportunity for enrichment and adventure outside the house. Traveling during the traditional school year is one way to capitalize on this flexibility. Kolbe moms Nicole Shaffer—author of the blog Army Wife, Homeschool Travel Life—and Vanessa Delgado discuss learning on the road with Bonnie and Steven today, from rolling with the unexpected to exploring your own back yard. They also touch on combining grade levels of subjects to teach “family-style,” the logistics of participating in Kolbe online while traveling, and how to embrace opportunities that may be disruptive to schedules.
Follow Nikki's family's adventures and get her travel tips here.
Related Kolbecast episodes:
36 Embrace the Fifth Day and 37 Take a Moment with Therese Prudlo
31 Veteran Homeschoolers with Jon & Chris Bates
35 An Atmosphere of Opportunity with Kolbe mom Carola in Spain
104 World Tour of Homeschooling with Kolbe moms Ria in the Philippines and Amy in Nigeria
40 Windshield Time with Dr. Don Prudlo
92 Protect, Guide, Prepare, Empower with Kolbe parents Nicolai & Cathy Lund
Subscribe to the Kolbecast in your favorite podcast app and never miss an episode. If you have a moment to leave a ratings and review, that will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
Have a suggestion or question for the Kolbecast team? Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.

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