Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
130 The Gifts We Have with Emily Stimpson Chapman
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
AMDG. Author, mother, and gracious example of hospitality Emily Stimpson Chapman joins us today. Emily has written on topics from encyclicals and Theology of the Body to good food and good socializing, and our conversation covers a little of everything: living in a way that deeply reverences the dignity of the human person, opening our homes to welcome people in, how it's in saying no to things that we’re able to say yes to God wants, and more. She also highlights some of her recent and upcoming publications that make tenets of our faith accessible for audiences of children, skeptics, and everyone in between.
Check out Emily’s Linktree for links to her ebooks and Substack, info about her upcoming Christmas book, social media presence, etc.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned and relevant:
119 The Hope Throughout with Tom & Noelle Crowe
14 We Do Not Think Those Words Mean What You Think They Mean
123 A Change of the Ages with Msgr. James Shea
15 Asparagus Moments
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
129 Windshield Time (replay)
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
AMDG. In this replay of a conversation from April 2021, Bonnie and her sister Hope visit with Dr. Don Prudlo to discuss the specifics of college visits and college transition. We talk about how to look under a college’s hood, so to speak, beyond what admissions counselors pitch, as well as a few things to consider when discerning what size and type of school is best for individual students. Dr. Prudlo emphasizes Kolbe’s college preparatory curriculum and also reminds students not to be so rigorous that they forget to be human.
The conversation references ep 9 with Don's daughter Monnica and ep 39 Reclaiming the Territory, the precursor to this episode when it originally aired. In the interim, the Kolbecast has covered a lot more ground relating to “Life after Kolbe,” with episodes including
59 The Secret Whiteboard
84 The Essence of Catholic Education with Patrick Reilly of the Cardinal Newman Society
85 Vibrant Campus Ministries
109 A Lifetime Venture
127 Forging a Path
Other resources mentioned:
The Newman Guide by the Cardinal Newman Society
The Intercollegiate Studies Institute
The filters on the Kolbecast landing page - including one called Life after Kolbe - can help you find episodes on a wide variety of topics. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps the podcast reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast by sharing the social media posts or links or by old-fashioned word of mouth! We welcome your feedback and episode suggestions as well. Write to us at podcast@kolbe.org.
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
128 Living in Community
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
AMDG. Join us on a virtual college visit today to The Collegium, a unique Catholic college in Hagerstown, Maryland, with Dean of Students William Stover. He shares how the Collegium and its innovative model provide a small, newly-opened liberal arts program grounded in the Catholic tradition and providing both education and formation. He also discusses the integration of spiritual, academic, and social aspects of life at the Collegium, as well as the vision that brought about the curriculum and the growth in confidence, maturity, and initiative that result from it.
More about and from The Collegium Sanctorum Angelorum:
recent Kolbe webinar
presentation at Kolbe's November 2021 college fair
Collegium founder Dr. Edward Schaefer on Square Notes Podcast: Paleography, the Semiological Approach to Singing Chant, and the Work of Dom Eugène Cardine
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
127 Forging a Path
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
AMDG. It's never too early to think about what life after Kolbe looks like. Today, Kimberly Farley—director of homeschool partnerships for the Classic Learning Test—joins Bonnie and Steven with her background in homeschooling and her expertise in college preparation. They discuss easing stress levels when approaching college prep, constructive understandings of standardized testing, and how to use testing as a tool for understanding. Plus, they touch on considerations for dual enrollment, including both tangible and intangible benefits and drawbacks.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned and relevant:
120 Substance Matters with CLT founder Jeremy Tate
83 This Is Only a Test
59 The Secret Whiteboard
109 A Lifetime Venture with Dr. George Harne
40 Windshield Time
99 Gifted, Graced, and Formed
Resources and offers from CLT:
Listen in for a discount code on all test registrations just for Kolbe families
CLT test dates and deadlines for the full suite of exams
Journey through the Author Bank seminar series, a free webinar with a scholar from a partner college discussing an author from CLT’s author bank
CLT’s podcast Anchored episode with Kimberly
Other links from the episode:
Kolbe graduation requirements and diploma programs
Dual Credit Courses via Kolbe Academy’s partnership with The University of St. Thomas
Dual credit webinar recording
College planning webinar recording
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
126 Digital Citizens
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
AMDG. Teaching students responsible ways to use the internet is more important now than ever. Today Kolbe’s chief academic officer Megan Lengyel and her husband Craig, a cybersecurity specialist for some of the world’s largest tech companies, visit with the Kolbecast team about computer safety. Craig describes how prevention and education are key, emphasizes the importance of ongoing conversations with children about what’s appropriate and what’s not online, and shares some practical tips. Megan describes Kolbe’s proactive digital management, from monitoring live online classes to fostering safe searching when students are assigned research projects
Links mentioned and helpful:
Using the Schoology Directory to connect with other Kolbe families
Life360 app
Bark app
Kolbecast episodes mentioned in this conversation:
58 Mystery Machines
69 Temperature Check
92 Protect, Guide, Prepare, Empower with Nicolai & Cathy Lund
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the new filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. You can also find the Kolbecast in most podcast players, so subscribe in your favorite app to never miss an episode! If you have a moment, please leave a rating and review, which will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
125 Call the Advisor
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
AMDG. Kolbe academic advisors and homeschooling mothers Krysten Pizzurro, Karen Allgood, and Erica Treat are back in this episode to continue the conversation started last week on their insights about the day-to-day of homeschooling reality. In this episode, they answer listener questions about the challenges and joys of having frequent family togetherness. They touch on how to keep school days running smoothly, how to help siblings love each other well, and how to go about special needs advocacy. The wisdom and encouragement these ladies share has something for everyone, new and experienced homeschooling parents alike.
Check out episode 124 in This Together for more about Krysten, Karen, and Erica.
Academic Dean Erica Treat can be heard on these other Kolbecast episodes:
43 The Grade Examen
59 The Secret Whiteboard
70 First Draft: A Parent In-Service
113 At the Kolbe Table
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the new filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. You can also find the Kolbecast in most podcast players, so subscribe in your favorite app to never miss an episode! If you have a moment, please leave a rating and review, which will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
124 In This Together
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
AMDG. Kolbe academic advisors and homeschooling mothers Krysten Pizzurro, Karen Allgood, and Erica Treat had so much wisdom to share that we turned our conversation into a two-parter of episodes. In the first half, they talk about how Kolbe’s academic advising department is here for the duration to accompany families and what that looks like on a day-to-day basis. The ladies share their experience of taking work phone calls while toddlers live their best lives in the background, respond to the frequently-heard concern of parents that they aren’t patient enough to homeschool their own children, and encourage communication early and often. They also bring words of affirmation: give yourself permission to do what’s best for your family.
Listen in next week for the second episode in the series, where Krysten, Karen, and Erica answer listener questions and continue the conversation on how to find the balance of comfort zone and growth in homeschoooling.
Krysten refers to Jon and Chris Bates, who are featured on episode 31 Veteran Homeschoolers and 83 This Is Only a Test. Chris also appears on episode 47 Among the Pots and Pans.
Other relevant Kolbecast episodes
36 Embrace the Fifth Day
12 Phone a Friend
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the new filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. You can also find the Kolbecast in most podcast players, so subscribe in your favorite app to never miss an episode! If you have a moment, please leave a rating and review, which will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
123 A Change of the Ages with Msgr. James Shea
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
AMDG. Today Msgr. James Shea, President of the University of Mary in Bismarck, North Dakota, joins Bonnie and Steven to discuss the transition to adulthood and the beginning of life’s adventures that transition brings. Msgr. Shea talks about the ambient culture, the modern mind’s romance with utopias, and the good news that this is an age where Kolbe families can shine. He also describes the apostolic moment in which we live, the words of encouragement he has to parents who feel shame or fear about their children leaving the Church, and some of the features of UMary that provide an accessible Catholic education with an entrepreneurial spirit.
Resources mentioned and related
Prime Matters
From Christendom to Apostolic Mission
UMary’s Online Education for the Catholic Professional
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the new filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. You can also find the Kolbecast in most podcast players, so subscribe in your favorite app to never miss an episode! If you have a moment, please leave a rating and review, which will help the Kolbecast reach more listeners.
What questions do you have about homeschooling, the life of faith, or the intersection of the two? Send your questions to podcast@kolbe.org and stay tuned for answers. You may hear them answered in an upcoming Kolbecast episode!
Interested in Kolbe Academy’s offerings? Visit kolbe.org.

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