Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
178 Cultivating Kitchen Stewards with Katie Kimball and Kids Cook Real Food
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
AMDG. Kids in the kitchen can be enriching or unnerving for all involved. In this episode, Katie Kimball of Kitchen Stewardship and the creator of the Kids Cook Real Food course shares her passion and expertise for collaboration among family members in feeding and nourishing a household. Building from her four pillars of health and nutrition, time, budget, and environment, Katie highlights some of her best tips for meal planning, budgeting, and preparation. She also talks about good times to teach children new cooking skills, how to accommodate and incorporate food sensitivities in a menu, and how anxious parents can encourage their children’s autonomy.
Kolbecast listeners are invited to subscribe to Katie’s free Monday Missions e-course.
Relevant Kolbecast episodes:
47 Among the Pots & Pans
63 The Saints Speak for Themselves with Ken & Kerri Davison, the Holy Heroes parents
121 Roots & Wings
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
177 Tabletop Theology with Alexi Sargeant
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
AMDG. Writer, theater maker, game designer, and alumnus of Kolbe and Yale University Alexi Sargeant joins the Kolbecast in this episode to discuss community and storytelling in the past, present, and future. He speaks with experience as both a student and a teacher about encountering Shakespeare and other dramatic works meant to be spoken, highlights the intersection of theology and culture, and nerds out with Steven and Everett Buyarski about the role of the fantastical in a life of formation.
Alexi’s wife Leah Libresco Sargeant spoke at Kolbe Academy’s 2023 Call to Holiness Retreat. Leah’s presentation is available here.
Saintly Creatures: 14 Tales of Animals and Their Holy Companions, Alexi’s new book, is available now!
Links mentioned and relevant:
Doxacon, the convention bringing together faith, truth, fantasy, and science fiction, happening November 3 & 4, 2023, in Arlington, VA
Games that Alexi has built
Alexi converses with Word on Fire’s Haley Stewart about his new book Saintly Creatures
Kolbecast episode 172 A Gift-Laden Voyage with Philip Kosloski of Voyage Comics
A sampling of Alexi’s writing:
Winter’s Tale: The Icy Pang of Contrition and the Gift of Thawing Grace
Men of Fidelity
God and the Gamemaster
The Kolbecast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and most podcast apps. By leaving a rating and review in your podcast app of choice, you can help the Kolbecast reach more listeners. The Kolbecast is also on Kolbe's YouTube channel (audio only with subtitles). Using the filters on our website, you can sort through the episodes to find just what you're looking for. However you listen, spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
176 The Agenda Is to Grow - Art & Laraine Bennett and the Temperaments
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
AMDG. Personality encompasses both nature and nurture, from biological traits and education to family of origin and cultural background. Temperament is one important piece of personality. In this episode, Art and Laraine Bennett describe the four classical temperaments, their long Catholic tradition, and their pragmatic applications for homeschooling families. Working from the foundation that temperament is God’s way of kickstarting a personality without putting anyone in a box, Art and Laraine explain how understanding temperaments helps homeschooling parents understand what doors will be easier to open and what doors will take more work when educating their children. They also touch on managing reactions, learning styles, mental illness, and appropriate discussions about temperament for various ages of children.
Relevant links:
Check out the Bennetts’ websitefor more information about their books, the Know Thyself game, and their other offerings.
Take their temperament quiz here.
Catholic Therapists online directory
Character Building by David Isaacs
No Drama Discipline by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned & relevant:
167 Sanity & Sanctity with Johanna Seagren of Interior Kingdom
45 Grace Perfects Nature with Dr. Peter Malinoski and Jody Garneau
77 The Road Less Traveled with Celeste Cuellar
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
175 A Both-And Approach at The University of Dallas featuring Dr. Jonathan Sanford
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
AMDG. University of Dallas president Dr. Jonathan Sanford joins Bonnie, Steven, and Chief Academic Officer Megan Lengyel in this episode to discuss how students flourish at UD, particularly when they have a Kolbe foundation. Dr. Sanford describes how the school is a thoroughly Catholic university with a bigger set of offerings than most and how multiple charisms present on campus help preserve and further UD's Catholic identity. He also shares insights on scholarships and standardized test strategies; distinguishes the humanities from the broader liberal arts; and highlights preparation for med school, law school, and market-relevant business opportunities. With a kind of fatherly care, Dr. Sanford illustrates how UD serves the idea that the best education for the best student is the best education for every student.
Links to topics of discussion:
Use this link to sign up for Kolbe’s special Odyssey Days II.
Mrs. Lengyel references this article in Crisis magazine that mentions The University of Dallas.
Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN, tells Jackie & Bobby Angel about her experience – and conversion – at UD. Bobby Angel is a guest on Kolbecast episode 146 Stepping into the Arena.
Relevant Kolbecast episodes
158 The Gift of a Mind, the commencement speeches (including Dr. Sanford’s) at Kolbe Academy’s 2023 commencement ceremony
9 Interview with Kolbe Academy and UD alumna Monnica Prudlo Bremer (quoted in the article about Odyssey Days)
18 Homer and The Hunger Games with Kolbe Academy alumnus Charlie Mihaliak, who went on to study at UD
120 Substance Matters with Classic Learning Test (CLT) founder Jeremy Tate
127 Forging a Path with CLT’s Kimberly Farley
143 Partners in a Liberal Arts Renewal with CLT’s Soren Schwab
163 Postcards from France recounting the trip to France that Megan references
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
174 Kolbe’s Chiaroscuro with Anthony D’Ambrosio
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
AMDG. Our patron St. Maximilian Kolbe is known for the heroism of his final days, but those acts were the culmination of the virtuous life he lived before his internment at Auschwitz. In this episode, visitor to the Kolbecast Anthony D’Ambrosio shares his special perspective on St. Max, which is based on his work developing the film Kolbe’s Passion and the intimate connection he forged with the saint during his own time of crisis. Anthony, Bonnie, and Steven discuss the relationship between suffering and faith, the grappling with despair and disillusionment that is inescapable in modern life, and the creative considerations involved in adapting St. Max’s story to a cinematographic format. And in case that virtuous life of St. Max’s we mentioned sounds dry, we have two words for you: fire truck.
Head to the Kolbe’s Passion website to watch the proof-of-concept film and find out how to support the production of the full-length film.
Alas, this recording was plagued by some technical foibles which make the audio difficult to understand at times. We’ve tried to mitigate those as best we can, so we hope you’ll stick with it through the rough spots. The message of love is loud and clear.
Relevant Kolbecast episodes:
100 In the Beginning with Mrs. Dianne Muth
134 For Tinkerers of All Ages
168 The Adventure of a Lifetime featuring Melissa Dee of the Saints Alive podcast
172 A Gift-Laden Voyage with Philip Kosloski of Voyage Comics
Other relevant links:
Anthony’s father, Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, aka “Dr. Italy”
Beatidudes podcast
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
173 A Deeper & Greater Joy
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
AMDG. Good Catholic priests come from good Catholic men, and many good Catholic men begin as little boys with lots of energy. Kolbe alumni Fr. Ambrose Dobrozsi and Dcn. Charles Ohotnicky visit with Bonnie and Steven in this episode about their Kolbe educations and their vocations. From standout memories of their Kolbe years to the current lives they lead, today’s guests share their insights on men laying down their lives for the love of God and His Church. They also offer thoughts on the complementarity between parochial schools and homeschooling families along with pragmatic advice on how to encourage vocations without demanding them.
Kolbecast episodes mentioned & relevant:
170 A Spiraled Art featuring Fr. Ambrose’s mother Mrs. Beth Dobroszi
31 Veteran Homeschoolers with Jon & Chris Bates, Kolbe staffers who have homeschooled their children while serving in the military
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
172 A Gift-Laden Voyage with Philip Kosloski of Voyage Comics
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
AMDG. Keeping young minds wondering, active, and curious can sometimes feel like a struggle. With pop culture always debuting new ways to capture attention, strewing our homes with examples of the good, the beautiful, and the true is one of the best ways to raise well-rounded young adults who are in the world without being of it. In this episode, writer Philip Kosloski—often found on Aleteia.org or in his series The Voyage Comics—visits with Bonnie, Steven, and Josh about discerning our charisms, the specific gifts God calls us to, subtle parallels to Catholicism in pop culture, and his work bringing inspiration from the saints into modern media.
Find Philip and his work on the Voyage Comics website and at Aleteia.org.
Relevant Kolbecast episodes:
71 A Sight for Sore Eyes with Chris Lewis of Baritus Catholic Illustration
146 Stepping into the Arena: Bobby Angel on Our Call to Holiness
170 A Spiraled Art
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
171 Forming Financial Disciples with Jonathan & Amanda Teixeira of WalletWin
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
AMDG. Many of us aren’t familiar with what the Catholic Church teaches on money, finances, and possessions. We think of missionaries as being poor, but that isn’t always the case—from hair shirts to heiresses, the saints have had a wide range of financial situations and gifts. In this episode, Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira of WalletWin join the Kolbecast crew to discuss handling money virtuously. From discerning how we can best use our resources and give them back to God with increase to the idea of “maximum fruitfulness,” the Teixeiras share how helping young people say yes to God’s call in their lives includes financial literacy.
Episodes of The Catholic Money Show mentioned in the conversation:
3 More Saints for Financial Help
Sts. Louie and Zélie Martin – Catholic Entrepreneurs Par Excellence
3 Saints to Pray to in a Financial Pinch
Heiress to Religious – The Story of St. Katherine Drexel
Holy Disinterest with St. Louis Martin
Relevant Kolbecast episodes:
92 Protect, Guide, Prepare, Empower
96 Adults in Training
121 Roots & Wings
146 Stepping into the Arena: Bobby Angel on our Call to Holiness
166 Dr. John Cuddeback on Dwelling Together Richly
Kolbecast episodes cover a range of topics relating to school at home, the life of faith, and Catholic education. Using the filters on our website, including the “Life after Kolbe” tag, you can sort the episodes to find just what you're looking for. If you listen to the Kolbecast via a podcast app/player, we'd be so grateful to you for leaving a rating and review. That helps us reach more listeners. However you listen, please spread the word about the Kolbecast!
Have questions or suggestions for future episodes? We'd love to hear from you! Send your thoughts to podcast@kolbe.org and be a part of the Kolbecast odyssey.

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